Learning Swedish as a Foreign Student

Learning Swedish as a Foreign Student

If you’re a student in Sweden – on an exchange programme or otherwise – your studies are probably all in English. Although most of your classmates are Swedish, they’re taking courses in English as well. You could, in other words, enjoy your stay in Sweden without having to learn a single word of Swedish.

However, you should bear in mind that the quality of your Swedish experience lies entirely in the hands of your surroundings. Their generosity (or lack thereof) will determine how you experience your months or years in Sweden.

Learning Swedish is a good idea. With Swedish4Real, you get access to over five hours of slowly spoken Swedish for you to listen to when you’re going for walks or washing dishes – or whatever it is students do – and learn Swedish step by step. The content is all in Swedish, so some familiarity with the language before getting started is recommended.

If you want to find out if Swedish4Real is for you, you can try out the material ten days for free.

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