What does “få blodad tand” mean and how to use it?
The expression “få blodad tand” literally means “to get a bloodied tooth”. But how do you use it in everyday language?
The expression “få blodad tand” literally means “to get a bloodied tooth”. But how do you use it in everyday language?
Duolingo is a great way to start learning a language, and you can get surprisingly far using it as your sole language learning resource. But sooner or later, you’ll find that you’ve reached a plateau and you need other input….
“Av samma skrot och korn”, literally translates “of the same scrap and grain”. But what does it actually mean and how can you use it in a conversation? The meaning of “av samma skrot och korn” The expression “av samma…
“Dra sitt strå till stacken” literally means “to pull one’s straw to the stack”, but how is it used in everyday speech?
“Att visa framfötterna” translates “to show one’s front feet”. But what does it actually mean and how can you use it in a conversation?
When it comes to learning a new language, few options capture the imagination quite like Swedish. With its unique sounds and fascinating history, Swedish has become increasingly popular among language enthusiasts. However, the question on everyone’s lips is always: “Is…
So you want to learn Swedish. Good. You’ve probably guessed by now that in order to learn Swedish, you don’t just sign up to a class and expect the teacher to do the job for you. The only one who…
How big is the difference beteeen Danish, Swedish and Norwegian? Is it true that if you learn one of them you pretty much know all three?
To find Swedish books is easy. To find books in Swedish that you as a language learner actually understand is another thing (depending on your level of Swedish, of course). There are a lot of books out there that are tailor-made…
A good way to reinforce your Swedish language learning is to listen to music with Swedish lyrics. Just make sure you find music that you actually like. We list a variety of Swedish artists and bands that you may like….